Welcome Home Rafael
Seriously, I’m starting to wonder how other birth photographers, doulas, midwives, ect… don’t all have 10 kids! Every time I get to cuddle a newborn, it literally makes me ache. And my youngest is only 11 months! Laurie contacted me about doing a “First Blush” session for her son’s arrival. As with all things in […]

Documenting new life: GTA Birth Photography
Calm. I didn’t think birth could be so calm. Doula gently stroking mama’s skin. Dad whispering words of encouragement to the mother of his second child. Midwives smiling as they greeted this new life. Birth photographer loving every second. Awesome. Congratulations little family. The doula seen in the slideshow is Kristi Clement from […]

Birthday magic– GTA Birth Photography
The day you are born– that is your birthday. Your parents took you in their arms and held you. They cradled your tiny head, counted your fingers and toes. They kissed your soft hair. Birthdays when they are real, live, right as it happens birthdays are pure magic. They are what birth photography is all […]

Priceless portraits
When I gave birth for the first time, I thought I would “try my best” to breastfeed. My son fully cooperated and I fell in love with the ease and comfort of nurturing my child naturally. What I couldn’t have anticipated was how passionate I would become about breastfeeding and about supporting mothers who choose […]

Baby’s first photo shoot.
With my first baby, I was so overwhelmed by the prospect of first-time motherhood that I missed out on this precious period of time where babies are still sleepy and poseable. The idea of doing anything other than eating, sleeping and taking care of baby seemed unlikely, if not impossible. The most incredible photos are […]

Miss Ella makes her debut
Miss Ella was supposed to be my first “birth” baby. Her mom had wanted me to photograph her birth,but she decided to take her sweet time arriving. Instead, she arrived fashionably late (three days after her mom went into labour). Mama was a trooper, but in the end, it was a hospital birth and birth […]