Breastfeeding twins
Erica is the owner of Everything Mom and Baby an online store that features great baby products, and she also the dedicated mom two twin girls and older son. Undaunted by the task of nursing twins, she is still nursing her two beautiful little ladies, no small feat. I asked her if she’d like to […]

Breastfeeding challenge 2012
One of the strong values that I want to continue to see reflected in my business, is supporting mothers who breastfeed. It’s not always easy, and we still live in a society that makes some women feel uncomfortable with the simple process of feeding their child the way that nature intended. I truly believe that […]

Priceless portraits
When I gave birth for the first time, I thought I would “try my best” to breastfeed. My son fully cooperated and I fell in love with the ease and comfort of nurturing my child naturally. What I couldn’t have anticipated was how passionate I would become about breastfeeding and about supporting mothers who choose […]