Documenting new life: GTA Birth Photography
Calm. I didn’t think birth could be so calm. Doula gently stroking mama’s skin. Dad whispering words of encouragement to the mother of his second child. Midwives smiling as they greeted this new life. Birth photographer loving every second. Awesome. Congratulations little family. The doula seen in the slideshow is Kristi Clement from […]

Birthday magic– GTA Birth Photography
The day you are born– that is your birthday. Your parents took you in their arms and held you. They cradled your tiny head, counted your fingers and toes. They kissed your soft hair. Birthdays when they are real, live, right as it happens birthdays are pure magic. They are what birth photography is all […]

Inspiring confidence and comfort
“Carrie easily captured the love we have for one another and our joie-de-vivre. She made us feel comfortable to be ourselves, this to laugh and relax – this combined with her expert eye and talent made for some wonderful photoshoots,”– S. Roy I truly believe that comfort and confidence are the two basic ingredients […]

Beautiful Bellies and more…
Sometimes a maternity shot can be about the beautiful mama, like this shot right here: And other times it can be about the connection between the couple: Older siblings have a magical connection with mama’s belly: Make your Belly portrait the way you want it. Whether you want to be alone, or with your whole […]

Priceless portraits
When I gave birth for the first time, I thought I would “try my best” to breastfeed. My son fully cooperated and I fell in love with the ease and comfort of nurturing my child naturally. What I couldn’t have anticipated was how passionate I would become about breastfeeding and about supporting mothers who choose […]